About the list and how to use it

By recruiters for recruiters

The list of the most popular free job posting sites in Poland is created and curated by recruiters and job boards. If you know of a source that isn't here, please send us a note using this quick contact form

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The best free job boards and other sources of candidates in Poland

Below you will find an extended and constantly updated list of job boards, websites, and Facebook groups that allow you to publish job offers for free. The sources are divided into job portals, Facebook groups, and other websites. We also try to separate these sites by industries or specializations.

The best source of candidates

The best source of candidates is your own employer's candidate database. The employer builds a candidate database by conducting recruitment processes. Each successive recruitment process provides new candidates, that are stored in the database. An ever-growing candidate database increases the chances that the next recruitment will be closed using a candidate from the database, instead of a candidate sourced from the market. How to create an effective candidate database? The best way by far is by using an ATS (applicant tracking system). If you would like to learn how ATS can help you build effecient candidate database then click here.

Number of visitors

In addition to the job board's name, in most cases you will also see a number that represents the average monthly number of visitors to the job board, according to the data from Similarweb. The more visitors, the more popular the job board. Remember, however, that specialist job boards that focus, for example, on specific job positions, may have a lower average number of visitors, but the visitors are mainly specific specialists, so that the job board may be even more effective compared to another one with a much greater number of visitors. We recommend to test and compare different job boards to find the most efficient for your needs.

Free job boards

With free nationwide job portals, you can post your offer on job sites that are guaranteed to have a high number of people browsing. Note, in addition to free advertisements, portals most often also have paid offers, which usually enable the better promotion of the offer. An annotation will be visible in brackets if the portal is dedicated to a specific industry or specialization. For some portals we will present unique monthly visitors. If you are the owner of the job board and have different data, then let us know and leave your contact details here.


About Facebook groups

Facebook is a valuable and free source of candidates, especially because there are many groups dedicated to job postings. Below is a list of curated groups. Groups are divided into locations and specializations. The general rule is that the more members the group has, the more people can see the job offer, and therefore the greater the chance of acquiring a candidate. Therefore, start your testing with groups with the most significant number of members.

Facebook - joining groups and posting rules.

If you are not a member of a particular group, you must join it first. Joining is easy. Just click the "Join group" button. In some cases, in addition to clicking the button, you also need to answer questions, e.g., "Have you read the group rules?" Before you post a job offer in a group, be sure to read its rules, which are usually available in the "About" tab. Posting job offers in a manner inconsistent with the group's rule may result in your removal from the group. For many groups, a job offer will only appear after the group moderators have approved it.

Facebook - HR

Facebook - IT



Facebook - FARMACJA

Facebook - GAMEDEV


Facebook - UKRAINA

Facebook - MEDYCYNA

Facebook - SPRZEDAŻ



Facebook - FINANSE





Facebook - BIAŁYSTOK

Facebook - BYDGOSZCZ

Facebook - KATOWICE

Facebook - KRAKÓW

Facebook - LUBLIN

Facebook - ŁÓDŹ

Facebook - OLSZTYN

Facebook - POZNAŃ

Facebook - SZCZECIN

Facebook - WARSZAWA

Facebook - WROCŁAW


Facebook - ZAGRANICA


Universities, and specifically university career offices, enable the publication of job offers on university websites. It is a good place to look for candidates who are at the beginning of their career path.

General job boards

Pracuj.pl - 11 000 000 visits


Gowork - 7 100 000 visits

Indeed - 2 431 839 visits

Aplikuj.pl - 998 697 visits

Praca.pl - 1 300 000 visits

Infopraca.pl - 585 000 visits





Just Join It - 1 500 000 visits

Just Join It provides codes for free job postings in particular job categories. Currently: (1) Admin roles, code ADMIN_JJIT, (2) Architecture roles, code ARCHITECTURE_JJIT and (3) Support roles, code SUPPORT_JJIT.

No Fluff Jobs - 957 200 visits

No Fluff Jobs provides free job postings for junior positions and starting packs (up to 70% discount) for customers, who has not yet published on this job board.

If you need a junior level job ad, fill out the form. At the „Preview” step (just before payment) copy url from your web browser and send it to success@nofluffjobs.com. Our Customer Success team will publish and optimze this job ad for you.

4programmers - 494 800 visits

A website dedicated to programming. In addition to job listings, it has a discussion forum, articles and microblogs.

Bulldogjob - 278 700 visits

Bulldogjob supports young IT professionals who are just starting out in the IT world or who still have little experience. For this reason, it offers - 100% discount on junior positions. All you need to do is add the CODE: JuniorFreeBJe when purchasing the Basic offer. In addition, new customers can get a special starter package. All you have to do is write to sales@bulldogjob.pl

The Protocol - 245 300 visits

Crossweb - 42 100 visits

SOLID.Jobs - 24 000 visits

SOLID.job is a job board for IT professionals. Only offers with specified salary ranges and technology listings appear on it. On the portal, under Standard Ads, you can add any number of recruitment ads for free. SOLID.Jobs also offers paid job ads, which are additionally promoted on the portal and in social media. As a result, they have a greater reach and, consequently, a flow of resumes. Ads can also be purchased in attractive packages. To learn more write to ogłoszenia@solid.jobs.

Challenge Rocket

Challenge Rocket is a portal dedicated to the IT industry, which bases recruitment ads on the convention of solving tasks to test a candidate's skills. The portal accepts free job offers for "Intern" positions, i.e. 0 to 1 year of experience.


Gamedevjobs allows you to publish free ads that are not promoted on the portal. However, these ads can be searched by candidates using the filters available on the portal.


Hello HR


Career in Finance - 81 600 visits



Legal recruitment

Medicine and pharmacy

Med Jobs

Pharma Careers


Sales and marketing

Rocket Jobs - 494 200 visits

Rocket Jobs is a portal dedicated to sales and marketing professionals. At the moment, the portal offers a code for free ads in the logistics industry. Code: logistics_start. Enter the code at the very end of adding an ad, instead of the classic payment.

Praca Handlowiec

Sales Job Offers

Welding & Locksmithing

Stoczniowcy.pl - the most recommended portal for recruiting welders


Transport, forwarding, logistics

praca.magazynuj.pl - an industry job board with job offers in the TSL and manufacturing categories, allowing candidates to apply without a resume or login.

TSL Job Offers

Other (breakdown by industry in preparation)


Students.co.uk offers free ads for positions in two cases:

  • In the pay as you go model (payment per individual ad) - the company is given the opportunity to publish one free ad.
  • In the subscription model, corporate clients can receive a free month of unlimited job postings.

Efficient Marketing

Sprawny Marketing is an organizer of trainings, I Love Marketing conferences, publisher of a print magazine and a portal dedicated to the marketing industry. In addition to knowledge, you can also find job offers there. Currently the portal offers publication of both free and paid advertisements. Free ads can be published in the "Standard" category. Higher packages are already paid.

Engineer's Zone

The Engineer Zone is an information portal dedicated to the engineering industry, which allows the publication of job offers in paid and free form. Free offers have limited promotion and expire 60 days after publication.

Work in HR / Finance / IT / Marketing / Media / Sales.

Pracuj w IT, Work in Marketing, Work in Finance, Work in HR, Work in the Media, Work in Sales - Job portal divided into industries. Possibility to publish free ads in basic form, and paid premium ads.

Local job boards




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