Google Kormo Jobs

Google is testing Kormo Jobs in Asia

Kormo Jobs is a new application from Google, which is to help people who take their first steps on their professional path to find a job. Kormo Jobs is dedicated to both candidates and employers.

This is how Kormo Jobs appears in the Google Play Store:

Google Kormo Jobs

Kormo Jobs offers candidates:

  • Creating a professional profile that includes information such as preferences in terms of the job sought, work experience, education
  • Downloading a profile in the form of a CV
  • Automatic matching of job offers to the created profile
  • Managing meetings with potential employers
  • Content to develop skills

Kormo Jobs offers employers:

  • Publication of recruitment advertisements
  • Connecting job offers with potential candidates
  • Managing meetings and communication with candidates
Google Kormo Jobs - fresh jobs
Google Kormo Jobs - interview scheduling
Google Kormo Jobs - job applications updates
Google Kormo Jobs - digital resume

Kormo Jobs is another example of Google’s interest in recruiting. A dozen or so days ago, we described Google Cards (link to the article below), which allows you to create professional profiles made available to all users of the Google search engine. Google Cards can be used both for job search and employee search and for establishing business cooperation. Kormo Jobs is already a project aimed strictly at supporting recruitment processes.

Both Google Cards and Kormo Jobs are tested in Asia. Google has chosen Asia as the area for testing its new ideas, which is certainly also related to the fact that Linkedin has less penetration of local markets.

We are observing Google’s further actions in the area of ​​the labor market, particularly in the field of recruitment, and we will keep you updated on all the news.

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Fast, agile and user-friendly ATS created by recruiters for recruiters
Maciej Michalewski

Maciej Michalewski

CEO @ Element. Recruitment Automation Software


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