Polish HR services market 2021 - Report 2022

If you want to set up a recruitment company, now is a good time for it, or at least this is the result of the latest data collected by the Polish HR Forum, whose partner is the Element ATS.

In 2010, when I founded the Lobo HR recruitment agency, which I then managed until 2019, the world was still in an economic crisis. It was a challenging moment for recruitment companies. It was completely different back then. Currently, the recruitment market is hot as there are vast shortages of employees, employers are looking for help in recruitment, and recruitment companies are breaking records.

Here is the comprehensive report on the Polish HR services market in 2021 just published by the Polish HR Forum:


Fast, agile and user-friendly ATS created by recruiters for recruiters
Picture of Maciej Michalewski

Maciej Michalewski

CEO @ Element. Recruitment Automation Software

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