Impact of coronavirus on recruitment – selected industries, Q1 2020. Element ATS report.
We have gathered a handful of new information on the labor market and recruitment needs changes due to coronavirus situation. We used sources as Polish HR Forum, Rzeczpospolita, Gazeta Prawna, and our reliable business partners. Moreover, we present a report on job ads published in Q1 2020. Here, the data is gathered from Element ATS.
Element helps during covid pandemic
Element applicant tracking system also joins the campaign to support job seekers and entrepreneurs. How can our ATS help? At Element we monitor several dozen of the largest job boards in Poland and Linkedin. If a company has published a job ad on one of these portals – we know about it. So if you are looking for information about job offers concerning a specific:
- industry
- location
- position
- company
then choose one particular industry, or position, or company, or location, and put it in a comment to my newest Linkedin post (link to the profile). If there will be many proposals, we will choose the one with the highest number of likes. We will then prepare a report on a chosen category, which will present data from the last three months. The report will be published in my next Linkedin post.
Coronavirus and work - data from the ATS Element system
Moving on to to newest information from the labor market and its recruitment needs:
- Good luck of the food chain is just coming to an end. Orders for employees are being withdrawn due to new regulations limiting number of people who may enter shops.
- The e-commerce industry is also expecting a slowdown soon. People are saturating their most essential shopping needs.
- More than 80% of companies from the SSC/BPO, Business Services, ICT, and Real Estate industries have implemented remote work.
- There is great uncertainty, decisions can change by 180 degrees within a few hours.
- Companies are preparing for black scenarios preparing layoffs in phases (first weakest links and less important positions).
- Workers from Ukraine are first to be released.
- The layoffs are expected by 60% of companies in the trade and catering sector, 80% in production and aviation.
- It is estimated that around 2 million people could lose their jobs.
- At least 70% of companies will be affected by the pandemic.
- 67% of companies consider that the absence of State aid may force them to close down.
Below is a report presenting the number of job offers published on recruitment and Linkedin portals monitored by Element ATS. The yellow line presents the difference between the number of job offers in January and March, in percentage terms, described on the axis to the right of the graph. (click to enlarge)
Coronavirus and the labor market
Noteworthy is the small change in the ITC industry (1.74%) resulting from the high resistance of this industry to change pressure and late response to the coronavirus pandemic. The highest decline was recorded in the hotel industry (-49%), administration (-33.66%), construction (-31.91%), engineering (-30.94%), manufacturing (-30.17%).
As a consequence, the total number of published job offers is also falling. The steadily growing number of coronavirus infections will certainly exacerbate this trend. April seems to be the biggest challenge in the Polish labor market so far. We will present relevant reports of the published job offers every few or more days.
Finally, a curiosity about Zoom, an increasingly popular videoconferencing application. Unfortunately, Zoom has problems with the security of user data. So if you are using Zoom and data security issues are critical for you, I recommend reading this article Techchrunch.
Data source
Element ATS system is capable of monitoring job boards and Linkedin portal. This is done by Job Monit feature. Our applicant tracking system scans more than fifty recruitment portals. The data is presented to recruiters, who are using our ATS, to help them better understand the recruitment market and leverage it to speed up sales of recruitment services. This is an extremely valuable tool for our clients and for everyone, who is interested in such reports.
Related posts:
- Coronavirus – labour market situation and recruitment demand, March 2020
- Who benefits from the coronavirus? Videoconferencing and telemedicine
- Coronavirus and job offers – week 11 and 12
Please also:

Maciej Michalewski
CEO @ Element. Recruitment Automation Software.
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