Temporary work agencies’ job ads in Poland - report our ATS, January 2020

Maciej Michalewski
17 lutego 2020

Adecco, Manpower, Randstad, Leasingteam, LimnusWork, and Silverhand are the agencies included in this report. We checked where these companies published their job offers in January this year. The data, as always, was collected by Element, intuitive and innovative ATS (applicant tracking system).

Element’s Job Monit feature monitors job ads published in Poland. Job Monit gathers data from individual industries, locations, and all the companies that publish job ads in Poland on several dozen of the largest job boards. We encourage you to check previous reports, which can be found among other articles of our blog.

Clicked images to enlarge.

The most popular job boards and job positions among selected agencies - data from Element ATS system.

Number of job offers and market share (100% is the sum of the number of ads of all analyzed agencies):

Total number of job offers published by the analyzed agencies on all portals monitored by Element ATS system:


Analysis of individual portals. The graphs present the shares of job offers of particular agencies in the total number of offers published by these agencies on a given portal (number of offers; share)

More reports from our ATS system?

They’ll come up. We are thinking about quarterly, semi-annual, and annual summaries. In the following articles, however, we will change the subject matter a little bit and present the interesting information about the artificial intelligence implemented into our system, analyzing the content of candidates’ CVs. I encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter.

Source of data used in the reports - Element ATS system

The data present in our report were collected using the Job Monit feature of Element. Our ATS (applicant tracking system) is equipped with a globally innovative tool for monitoring job boards. Monitoring of job portals consists of regular verification of the content of job ads published on these portals. As a result of this process, ATS collects such data as: which companies published their ads, when, for which jobs and on which job boards. Element additionally verifies the content of an ad to qualify it into one of the categories.

How Job Monit was created and what are the benefits for our ATS users

The feature of monitoring of job boards has been in development in our ATS system for years . Market monitoring through the analysis of the content of job ads has always been an important element of recruitment business management and market analysis for our clients. There are many benefits of such monitoring, both for internal HR departments and, especially, for recruitment agencies using Element. In May 2019 we published an article describing these benefits, I encourage you to read it.

In the coming weeks, we are implementing an update version of Job Monit into Element, which not only will cover more than 50 recruitment portals in Poland, but also allows Element’s users to generate reports such as those presented in this post.

The constant development of Job Monit feature is a perfect example of constant search and implementation of innovative technological solutions, which are to facilitate the work of our clients.

The margin of error in the ATS

Please note that the statistical data generated by our ATS are subject to a margin of error. Job Monit’s algorithms, which are responsible for the deduplication of job offers and the assignment of appropriate job categories, may cause discrepancies with other such reports.

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Picture of Maciej Michalewski

Maciej Michalewski

CEO @ Element. Recruitment Automation Software

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