Coronavirus - job offers on Polish job boards in weeks 11 and 12

The coronavirus is causing a decrease in employment. This can also be seen in the number of published job offers. Thanks to Job Monit, our ATS‘ feature that monitors job bards, we checked the number of published jobs in weeks 11 and 12. The visible decrease is no surprise, as it is in the last two weeks that the coronavirus causes the biggest fears in Poland.

This short report on the publication of job offers presents specific numbers based on the analysis of over 50 job portals, including Linkedin. We marked the weekends in yellow.

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Data source - ATS Element system

Element ATS is an innovative tool that is able to accelerate understanding of the recruitment market and find out companies that published job ads. This way our agency recruiters are can immediately respond to the recruitment needs of these companies. Thus our ATS significantly improves sales of recruitment services. At Element ATS, we have been working on this feature of monitoring job boards for several years now. You can read more about this in our article from May 2019. Currently, we are gathering data from more than fifty job boards and Linkedin portal. Never before sales of recruitment services was such an easy job.

Recruiters working on Element ATS can see data from many job boards. The data may contain a margin of error. It is particularly difficult for algorithms implemented in our applicant tracking system, to distinguish whether two almost identical-sounding job ads elate to the same job offer. It is not an uncommon practice to publish the same job offer in different ways to attract more candidates.

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Maciej Michalewski

Maciej Michalewski

CEO @ Element. Recruitment Automation Software

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